Regaining Perspective

Regaining Perspective

Sow. Grow. Restore. That is Alcove Farms' mission statement. The mission statement is derived from the farm's regenerative farming practices, but it could just as easily describe the relationships and growth of its employees. For one specific farmer, Jeremey Wauer, that's precisely what he would experience.

Jeremy made his way to the farm as a recent graduate trying to find his purpose. Enjoying the 160-acre farm and the relationships he was building, Jeremy sensed something special about Alcove Farms. But just as he seemed like he was finally flourishing, darkness and division were lurking.

"I hit it off with another teammate, and while we got along really well, he didn't have the same attitude toward Betenbough," said Jeremy. He felt negatively about the company, and suddenly, Jeremy began to harbor those same feelings. "Even after that employee left the company, I was still wallowing in that negativity."

"It may be brutally hard work, but getting to be with these people and experience the forgiveness they've shown me, it's beautiful."

Day after day, Jeremy's negative thoughts and feelings about the company began to grow and spill into conversations with peers. Then, one day, a peer who cared for Jeremy and about the team's unity decided to share his concerns with Amos Green, the farm manager, who acted quickly.

"When I hired Jeremy, I could tell right away that he was looking for his place to fit in," said Amos. "I knew before confronting Jeremy that he had been sucked into something that he did not believe, so I was really just pointing out the facts that he already knew."

As a leader, Amos saw Jeremy for all that he could be and cared for him enough to call him up and out of the hole he had found himself in then.

"I broke down crying. I knew what he [Amos] was saying was right, and I despised myself for it," said Jeremy. "It was a painful conversation. It was a good conversation but very painful. I was given a second chance and wanted to take it."

Jeremy said he came back to work the next day with a burden lifted, and he once again saw beauty in what the farm was doing. "It may be brutally hard work, but getting to be with these people and experience the forgiveness they've shown me, it's beautiful," shared Jeremy.

"Though we have accomplished great things at the farm, I believe our greatest achievement will be showing Christ's love and serving the people who come into our lives."

Farm Manager Amos Green, and Jeremy Wauer
Jeremy Wauer working with team members at Alcove Farms
Jeremy Wauer working at Alcove Farms