Beauty in the Process

Beauty in the Process

Growing your people sometimes means they outgrow you. Kaitlyn Tomblin, a former Ninety-Two Bakery & Café barista specialist, is a beautiful example of leaders developing employees out of their roles…and sometimes out of the company.

Before working for Betenbough Companies, Kaitlyn was in a comfortable season of life. She worked as a lead bartender at a local restaurant and had recently met her husband. Although she felt comfortable, Kaitlyn did not feel at home. She struggled with feeling seen and felt like she had reached her peak in growth.

"I didn't feel like I had any room to grow, personally, professionally, or spiritually," she said. Then, after working the same job for five years, Kaitlyn heard God whisper, "change." The next morning as she was getting started in her shift, she prayed for God to prepare her heart and asked for direction. God had already set those plans in motion, as her first table that morning seated Betenbough employees, including Marcie Truby, Betenbough Companies hospitality director.

"Kaitlyn had the biggest smile on her face and was just happy to serve us," said Marcie. "She has such a big heart, and you could immediately see that."

"I was finally in a place that cared about me as a person, not just what I could offer as an employee."

After a bit of conversation and really good service, Kaitlyn was encouraged to come work for the company and was quickly hired on after saying "yes" to a new opportunity.

"I was so excited when I heard the job was with Betenbough Companies. I've lived in Lubbock my whole life, so I knew about Betenbough and what a great company they were. I remember walking into the main room, looking around, and just thinking, 'What is this place?'" said Kaitlin. "I was working in a place that encouraged spiritual relationship. Walter Cunningham, a Betenbough Companies board member, knew my name on my first day!"

After working on the banquet team for several months, Kaitlin was offered a position as barista specialist with Ninety-Two Bakery & Café. In her very first one-on-one with the former general manager at Ninety-Two, Warren Drew, she knew his leadership was unique.

"Warren saw something in me and was going to do everything he could to pull it out," Kaitlyn said. "He spoke life over me and believed in me!"

Warren wanted to foster an atmosphere that embodied the same things Kaitlyn strived to find in her personal life: to be seen, loved, and grow. "I view Ninety-Two as a place to equip people to go on to things they really want to do," said Warren. "My heart is to see them trained in a way where they learn the basics on how to make good coffee and foster good customer service. But at the same time, what are the dreams they have, and how can I help them go after these things?"

Kaitlyn and Warren would have several more one-on-one discussions, and each one deepening her spiritual growth. Then, as Kaitlyn was nearing her first anniversary with Betenbough Companies, she heard a familiar calling from God - prepare for change.

"I was afraid to ask when because I was afraid it would be too soon," Kaitlyn said. "I waited about a week, and while I was in prayer, I finally asked him, and He told me, 'Tomorrow.'"

As Kaitlyn shared where she believed God was calling her with Warren and senior leaders, she said she received nothing but encouragement. They wanted what was best for HER, setting aside their desires to keep her on the team. So now, Kaitlyn is pursuing full-time intercessory and photography.

"God has opened the door for me to pursue full-time photography, but I don't think he's asked me to quit to do full-time photography," Kaitlyn said. "I think he's redeeming my time. There's something deep in this secret place that I can only get to if I spend more time there - a significant amount of time. I feel like he's calling me to deep intercession."

As Kaitlyn looks back on her year with Betenbough Companies, she's grateful. "When you work somewhere, you're under their spiritual authority, good or bad," she said. "I really needed to be under the spiritual covering of Betenbough. There was just so much more I needed to learn."

"When you're seen, it really just opens the door for God to do more through you because you're not having to fight to be seen. This place is just really special."

Kaitlyn Tomblin
Kaitlyn Tomblin & Willows Event Center team
Kaitlyn Tomblin & Ninety-Two Bakery & Café team